Urban Innovation Grants
The Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation is providing grant support for junior faculty research and other work at the University of Chicago focused on critical issues and topics impacting cities.
Our Goal
- Develop bold thinking through a range of methods and approaches
- Shape positive outcomes in communities and urban areas
- Amplify the University of Chicago’s urban scholarship
- Promote urban research across the social sciences, environmental and health sciences, the arts and humanities, and public policy
Apply to receive support for your project, and be part of an ecosystem of urban innovation which includes, in addition to Urban Innovation Grants, research projects, working groups, faculty-led initiatives, and postdoctoral fellowships.
The Mansueto Institute is supporting faculty from across disciplines to build new, fundamental knowledge about cities and urbanization. Proposals may be regionally and topically diverse, approaching issues of urbanism through any perspective or theoretical lens.
Proposals are welcome from University of Chicago faculty. Applicants may submit more than one proposal, with different collaborative teams, provided that each application is distinct. We encourage methodological innovation and collaborations.
Research grants are open only to junior faculty. Other grants may be awarded to any faculty for purposes not directly related to research such as workshops, conferences or invited speakers.
Selected projects will receive a blend of direct funding and in-kind support from the Mansueto Institute. Submissions are eligible for a range of funding, up to $25,000.
Funded proposals also have access to event and co-working space at the Mansueto Institute on the University of Chicago campus.
Award funding cannot be used for faculty salary support, course reduction, academic leave or summer salary, funding for existing permanent staff or researchers, sub-awards to external (non-University of Chicago) collaborators, the purchase of equipment at institutions other than the University of Chicago, or indirect costs. Indirect costs are those that are not directly identifiable to a specific sponsored project (administrative, clerical work, telephones, office supplies, electricity, gas, rent, etc.).
Funds can be used for a variety of endeavors, including, but not limited to:
- Collecting and/or analyzing data
- Strengthening emerging or prospective collaborations
- Planning for the development of larger-scale projects
- Convening partners for a workshop
- Covering conference-related expenses
- Supporting the development of new curricula
- Testing experimental methods
- Exploring innovative uses of technology.
Awarded Faculty will need to rely on their own departmental and divisional support in administering awards and logistics for projects.
Proposals will be reviewed using the following measures:
Explicitly Urban: Focus on a novel question or method pertaining to the study of cities.
Originality and Significance of the Research and/or Methodological Innovation: Advances new ideas/research methods in the social, natural, data sciences, and/or the humanities, or the project uses existing approaches in an original way that provides significant impact on questions related to urban studies.
Potential for Continuity: A clear plan to leverage Mansueto Institute’s support to attract additional resources that support long-term efforts beyond the project period, for example in terms of intended grant applications.
Feasibility and Deliverables: Clearly conveys anticipated project outputs – such as research results, educational materials, data or tools, or other products – and an aligned approach to achieve outputs within the project period.
Awarded projects are asked to commit to the following:
Participation in Institute Events/Programs: One of the Mansueto Institute’s goals is to build an active research and scholarship community. Awardees will be requested to participate in community activities, which may include workshops, seminars, conferences, and other relevant activities.
Acknowledgement and Publications: Publications related to the awarded project must acknowledge the Institute’s support.
Project Summary at Conclusion of Award: Complete a project summary and results at the conclusion of the award, which the Mansueto Institute will disseminate in our communications channels, including our newsletter, social media, and website.
Research project proposals should be submitted using the form below and must include:
1. Statement of Purpose
- Abstract (250 words max): What is the problem you seek to address, what is your approach to address this topic, and what specific outcomes will your project deliver?
- Research Plan (750 words max): Please describe your research question(s) and why it/they are novel and important. Also, articulate why this work would benefit from collaboration, anticipated outcomes, and a timeline & key project milestones. Specify follow-on funding opportunities you will target should the project generate expected data, analysis or results.
2. Budget and Budget Narrative (a budget template is available for download; narrative 250 words max)
3. A CV or resume for the project lead