Urban Innovation Grants for Student Organizations


The Mansueto Institute is providing grant support to student groups and organizations across the University of Chicago for events, conferences at the university, or other efforts that focus on cities and urbanization.

Our goal is to encourage and support University of Chicago students’ efforts that encourage bold thinking around the future of cities.


Proposals are open to current undergraduate and graduate student groups at the University of Chicago. Awardees must be current students when the grant is awarded and during the period in which the grant is utilized. Students are encouraged to either be part of a Recognized Student Organization (RSO) or select a faculty supervisor with the resources to offer administrative support. Applicants may submit more than one proposal if each proposal is distinct.


Selected projects will receive funding up to $5,000, for a one-year period. Awards must be used for the year they are awarded, beginning on July 1 (the beginning of the fiscal year), or they will be forfeited.

Funds can be used for expenses related to events and conferences at the university, such as booking outside speakers, refreshments, marketing, renting space for events, or organizing student groups around issues impacting cities. All expenditures must be approved prior to purchase or ordering. If any changes are made to the originally submitted budget, approval must be obtained before making the purchase or placing orders. The award is not intended for independent student research.


Proposals will be reviewed by the Mansueto Institute using the following measures:

  • Explicitly Urban: The event or topic is directly related to cities in some way.
  • Alignment with Mission: The event or research is relevant to the Mansueto Institute’s mission and work.
  • Feasibility & Deliverables: The proposal clearly conveys anticipated results/activities and their significance.


Awarded projects are asked to commit to acknowledgement and use of Mansueto brand in publications, marketing, event materials, etc. as a sponsor. Branding materials will be provided. We also encourage applicants to be part of our dynamic scholarship community, including participation in events.


Research project proposals should be submitted using the form below and must include:

1. Statement of Purpose

  • Abstract (250 words max): What is the problem you seek to address, what is your approach to address this topic, and what specific outcomes will your project deliver?
  • Project Plan (750 word max): Please describe the activities or engagements you plan and why it/they are novel and important. Also, articulate why this work would benefit from collaboration, anticipated outcomes, and a timeline & key project milestones. Specify follow-on opportunities that may arise should the project generate expected outcomes or results such as publications, community impact, or educational opportunities.

2. Budget and Budget Narrative (a budget template is available for download; narrative 250 words max)

3. A CV or resume for the project lead